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Spire Alexandra Hospital
Impton Lane


01634 624698

KIMS Hospital

Newnham Court Way

Weavering, Maidstone



01622 237500

Nuffield Hospital

Kingswood  Road

Tunbridge Wells



01892 888032


  • Third prize, Trust Audit Competition, June 2018, 'Clinical Coding in Oculoplastics procedures', V Juniat, S Athwal and M Khandwala

  • First prize, Trust Annual QUIP (Quality improvement project) Day July 2016
    'On the day, Oculoplastic theatre cancellations' Dr Meriam Islam, Dr Camille Yvon, Miss Mona Khandwala
    This presentation was awarded the first prize and 300 pounds for the best service improvement project in the Trust.


  • Highly Commended Prize, Trust Audit Competition, July 2016 'On the day oculoplastic theatre cancellations', Dr Meriam Islam, Dr Camille Yvon, Miss Mona Khandwala

  • First prize, Best poster in Pathology/ Oncology section, EVER Meeting September 2013, 'A novel imaging approach to periocular basal cell carcinoma: in vivo optical coherence tomography (OCT) and histological correlates', L Pelosini, HB Smith, JB Schofield, A Meeckings, A Dhital, M Khandwala, EVER Meeting, Nice September 2013

  • First prize, Best presentation at BOPSS meeting, Bristol, June 2013, 'Correlations between in vivo optical coherence tomography (OCT) and postoperative histology in periocular basal cell carcinoma (BCC)', HB Smith, L Pelosini, JB Schofield,  A Meekings, A Dhital, M Khandwala

  • First prize, Poster competition at BOPSS annual meeting, Edinburgh, June 2010, Retrobulbar haemorrhage: a literature review and management algorithm, N El Hindy, D Gupta, M Saldana, S Awotesu, M Khandwala, B Beigi

  • Second prize, Poster competition at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Annual   Research and Development Day, May 2008, 'Randomised Controlled Trial- Subcutaneous Infusion versus Nerve Block for Ptosis surgery: A comparison of patient satisfaction', M Khandwala, E Lee, C A Jones

  • Commendation, Audit open day, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust, June 2008, 'The Offending eyelash- An Audit on trichiasis management', M Khandwala, M Hussain, S Dey, C A Jones

  • ​First Prize, Brian Harcourt Poster Prize July 2004, 'Rotating Corneal Autografts: A case series', M Khandwala, R Setty, N Hindy, B A Noble

  • Prize awarded by Trust Chairman for Hospital Audit Open Day, November 2002, 'Deep Sclerectomy with collagen implant - one year follow up', M Khandwala, R Aggarwal

  • CD ROM, proceedings of ESCRS annual congress September 2002, 'Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty in the management of Keratoconus', M Khandwala, R Aggarwal, H Kasaby 

  • Best refractive surgery paper, UKISCRS   September 1999, 'Limbal Relaxing incisions combined with phakoemulsification- a means to reduce    pre existing corneal astigmatism', J Choi, M Khandwala, H Kasaby, R Aggarwal

  • Bronze Medal, Awarded for standing second in Ophthalmology in final MBBS, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, December 1987             


  • 'Teleophthalmology and COVID-19: the patient perspective' V Golash, S Athwal and M Khandwala, Future Healthcare Journal, March 2021,Vol 8 No1

  • 'Effect of lower lid tightening surgery with lateral tarsal strip on intraocular pressure'
    H Kaur, A Hassan, S Athwal, M Khandwala, Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, July 2021, Vol

  • 'Management of congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction: results of a national survey of paediatric and oculoplastic ophthalmologists' V Golash, H Kaur, S Athwal, R Chakartash, M Laginaf, M Khandwala, Eye, Sept 2020

  • 'Clinical coding and data quality in oculoplastic procedures' Valerie Juniat, Sarju Athwal, Mona KhandwalaEye, Nov 2019, 33,1733–174


  • 'Lower eyelid excursion: A functional and cosmetically relevant parameter in the treatment of lower eyelid retraction' B. Beigi, M. Khandwala, A. Degoumois,    K.C. Ogbuehi, D. Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, February 2019, 72(2),310–16

  • 'Assessment of patient-reported outcome and quality of life improvement following surgery for epiphora' Valerie Juniat, Sarju Athwal, Adeela Malik, Mona Khandwala 
    Eye, March 2018


  • 'A novel imaging approach to periocular basal cell carcinoma: in vivo optical coherence tomography and histological correlates', L Pelosini, HB Smith, JB Schofield, A Meeckings, A Dhital and M KhandwalaEye, August 2015, 29, 1092–1098

  • 'Corneal Descemet’s membrane rupture in a patient sustaining high-pressure water jet injury', Tsong Qiang Kwong, Mona Khandwala, Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology, June 2015, vol. 50, no. 3, 

  • 'National survey of back & neck pain amongst consultant ophthalmologists in the United Kingdom' Jonathan N. Hyer ,Richard M. Lee, Haziq R. Chowdhury,  Henry B. Smith, Anish Dhital, Mona Khandwala, International Ophthalmology, Jan 2015, 35(6)

  • 'Management of Pure Orbital Floor Fractures: A Proposed Protocol to Prevent Unnecessary or Early Surgery' Beigi B, Gupta D, Khandwala M Orbit Oct 2014, Vol. 33, No. 5, Pages 336-342

  • 'Imiquimod 5% Cream as an Adjuvant Pre-operative Treatment for Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Periocular Area' Rosa Bonilla, Ameenat L. Solebo, Mona A. Khandwala, Carole A. Jones Orbit, Oct 2014; 33(6): Pages 471–473

  • 'In vivo optical coherence tomography (OCT) in periocular basal cell carcinoma: correlations between in vivo OCT images and postoperative histology', L Pelosini, HB Smith, JB Schofield, A Meekings, A Dhital, M Khandwala British Journal of Ophthalmology- 2013 Jul; 97(7):890-4 

  • 'Use of Mini Monoka stents for punctual/ canalicular stenosis' HB Smith, R Lee, ED Hawkes, M Khandwala British Journal of Ophthalmology -2012;96:1349

  • 'Ptosis spectacles- An aid to paediatric ptosis assessment', M Khandwala, S Dey, C Wood, C Harcourt, C A JonesOphthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery-2011;27(2):111-113


  • 'Imaging of periocular basal cell carcinomas using en face Optical coherence tomography: a pilot study', M Khandwala , B Penmetsa , S Dey , J Schofield , C Jones , A Podoleanu British Journal of Ophthalmology – June 1 2010- Advance online publication

  • 'Stereolithographic models to guide orbital and oculoplastic  surgery', B Beigi, , T Mc Mullen , D Gupta,  M Khandwala, 
    Graefes Archive of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology- April 2010, 28(4);551-4.


  • 'Trichiasis- the time consuming lash- An audit of trichiasis management',
    M Khandwala, S Dey, M Hussain, C A Jones Journal of clinical Audit- July 2010,Vol 2010:2, 83-87


  • 'Dacryoadenitis as a presenting feature of Churg Strauss syndrome', M Khandwala, D Vayalambrone, J Ong, B Beigi 
    Eye-Feb 2010, 24(2); 385-86 


  • 'Periorbital Necrotising Fasciitis: Outcomes using a CT-guided Surgical Debridement Approach' M Saldana , D Gupta , M Khandwala , R Weir, B Beigi 
    European Journal of Ophthalmology- Jan- Feb 2010, 20; 209-14


  • 'Lid retraction associated with glaucoma filtering blebs', M Saldana , D Gupta , M Khandwala , B Beigi Orbit- Dec 2009, 28(6);363-7

  • 'Randomised Controlled Trial Comparing Patient Satisfaction with Subcutaneous infusion versus localised nerve blocks for ptosis surgery' E Lee, M Khandwala, C A Jones Orbit- Dec 2009, 28(6);388-391

  • 'Effect of Hyaluronidase on dispersal of local anaesthetic in sub Tenons anaesthesia for cataract surgery, M Khandwala, S Ahmed, S Goel, I Simmons, H McLure, Eye- August 2008, Vol 22(8);1065-8

  • 'Consent for cataract surgery - a patient perspective' A Kotagiri, M Khandwala, V Sundaram,C Kon, Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery August 2008, Vol 34(8);1227-8

  • 'Gunpowder injury to the eye'A Kotagiri, V Sundaram, M Khandwala, M Teimory, Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology- March 2008, Vol 36(2); 190-1


  • '1 year results of photodynamic therapy for small predominantly classic choroidal neovascular  membranes secondary to age-related macular degeneration' E Doyle, M Khandwala, S Shah, G Ong, A Casswell  European Journal of Ophthalmology- Sept- Oct 2007,Vol 17(5); 760-67

  • 'Rate of posterior capsular opacification in Akreos lens implants' M Khandwala, B Marjanovic, A Kotagiri, M Teimory Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery- August 2007, Vol 33(8);1409-13

  • 'Use and yield of Carotid Doppler ultrasound with computer based   communication systems' MU Saeed, M Khandwala, BYP Chang, M Saeed, The British Journal of Healthcare Computing and Information Management - April 2007, Vol24 (3);18-23

  • 'A rare diagnosis of de differentiated liposarcoma of the orbit' MU Saeed, BYP Chang C Atherley, M Khandwala, DW Merchant, M Liddington Orbit- Jan 2007, Vol 26(1);43-5

  • '20-year review of histo-pathological findings in enucleated / eviscerated eye's
    MU Saeed, BYP Chang, M Khandwala, A Shivane, A Chakrabarty Journal of Clinical Pathology- 2006,Vol 20(2);153-155


  • 'Neuroblastoma With Orbital Metastasis- Ophthalmic Presentation and Role Of Ophthalmologists' Ahmed S, Goel S, Khandwala M, Agrawal A, Chang B, Simmons IG, Eye- April 2006, Vol 20(4); 466-70 

  • 'Outcome of Periocular Basal Cell Carcinoma’s managed by overnight paraffin section' M Khandwala, S Lalchan, B Chang, M Habib, A Chakrabarty, A Cassels- Brown Orbit- December 2005, Vol 24(4);243-7

  • 'Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty in the management of keratoconus' M Khandwala, J Khan, H Kasaby, R Aggarwal Ocular Surgery News – May 2003, U.S. Edition 

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